Cessna 150M
D-EPUA joined the fleet in 2022. It’s mainly used for basic training and rental.
Avionics: Com/Nav, VOR, XPDR, ELT
Cessna F150M
D-EPUB joined the fleet in 2021 as OE-CMM. It’s mainly used for basic training and rental.
Avionics: Com/Nav, VOR, ILS, XPDR, ELT, GPS
Cessna F150L
D-EEXH was the first aircraft in our DTO. We use her for rental and basic training.
Avionics: Com/Nav, GPS, XPDR, ELT
Cessna F172G
HA-SLZ is based at Ineu already for a few years. Since we opened the DTO we are using the 172 for training and rental.
Avionics: Com/Nav, XPDR, ELT
Socata MS 894A
D-EAHL joined the fleet in 2020. It’s mainly used for glider towing and passenger flights by the local aeroclub. We are able to use the airplane for sailplane tow rating training.
Avionics: Com/Nav, XPDR, ELT, Towhook