
The story about ALB Aviation Training is also a story about the vision of two best friends.
There was no flightschool in the north-western part of Romania and therefor no chance to get more pilots flying at their little airfield at Ineu. To challenge this problem the only way was to set up a flightschool on their own. In 2019 the company behind ALB Aviation Training was started, beginning of 2020 ALB Aviation SRL was recognised by Romanian CAA as “Declared Training Organisation” RO/DTO-02. Since then we offer training for several kinds of flying activities, from sailplane to helicopter. Our own claim is to conduct the training on high standards and quality, therefor most of our instructors have commercial licenses and a huge experience in aviation and instruction.

Learn more about the two best friends and their team:

David Nagy Molnar


David is a real aviation enthusiast.
He started with gliding at the Romanian Airclub on the airfield beside the airport of Oradea. Soon after he moved on with the license for motorgliders and later also to the PPL(A).
After the closure of the Airclub airfield at the airport, David was, together with friends, the founder of the Aerodrom Ineu, which he’s administrating since its opening in 2011.
With his NMD Aviation Company he’s offering a lot of general aviation related services as Avgas sales or aircraft brokerage. Since 2022 he is also the representative of Magnus Aircraft in Romania.
In the DTO David is the general manager, responsible for all administrative tasks and the safety management and, of course, he’s also one of our instructors.

Patrick Puskeiler

Head of Training

Patrick spent his childhood weekends already at a flightschool on an small airfield back home in Germany. With 14 years he started gliding and in the following years he moved on to compete at gliding competitions all over the world. This is also how he found his way to Ineu. Due to the good friendships he found there and the excellent gliding conditions, Ineu became his new homebase. Since 2015 he’s working with David to improve the airfield where ever possible. With so much enthusiasm it’s logic that Patrick also does his living from aviation. He’s flying as captain and operations manager in business aviation in Germany. Beside that he’s flight instructor and examiner. With his company ALB Aviation he’s offering a range of flying related services.
In the DTO Patrick is responsible for everything that has to do with training.